Friday, November 10, 2006

Giant Invisible Birds


Idgie is deathly afraid of giant invisible birds, and I don't know why. (Besides the obvious, I guess.)

One might ask, "How often does Idgie encounter giant invisible birds?" and that's not a bad question. If Idgie could type, she'd probably write: TOO DOGGAM OFTEN!!!!!

I guess there's a story. When the batteries get low in the smoke detectors in our house, they CHRRRRP!

Once. Then silence for about 40 seconds.


Freaks Idgie out. The last time it happened, I changed the battery but pressed the test button, which sets off the whole screaming alarm for about three seconds. Idgie got out and took off. I found her an hour later sitting in front of someone's house two blocks away. (She was, I will note, VERY happy to see me.)

This morning, about 6:30, one of the alarms started in. CHRRRRP!


I know better, now. Let Idgie out and changed out all the as-of-yet unchanged batteries (except the one I need my big-ass ladder for and that will happen this weekend) so our dog wouldn't be scared of the big invisible birds.


I hear they go north for the winter.


To Oregon.


Sonnjea said...

Mean, mean, mean!!!

Next Stop Oregon said...

So are you saying that my husband is a scaredy-cat, I mean dog? Sorry the pooch gets freaked out. Dave tries to not be scared, but it doesn't work out so well. We went to the 5th St. Mkt. were the rooster lives. As we entered the area, I paused and asked Dave it was okay. He didn't stop or even slow down. But, he did ask in a really loud voice, "Yes, it is okay. But, WHERE IS HE?!"

Honestly I'd be the one freaking out about the alarm noice. Not because I was scared, but b/c noices like that are really annoying to me.

Does Cal play at home this weekend?

Steve said...

Cal's at Arizona, which means we don't have to drive anywhere.

I'm not picking on Dave (or Idgie for that matter). Frankie's afraid of moths. I'm not crazy about these nasty 3-inch centepedes I find periodically up here. It's just weird how odd phobias develop. The thing with the alarm noise is that it's not that loud. Just freaks her out for whatever reason.

How many days until the house closes?

Next Stop Oregon said...

Are you tryin to kill me?

Steve said...

I have it on good authority that your new house will be absolutely giant-invisible-bird proof...