Saturday, December 02, 2006

Happy Bears

Here are some happy Cal fans. And this was before USC lost!


Next Stop Oregon said...

Great picture! What are you guys going to do after the new year when there is no more football games?

When we saw the final score of the USC v. UCLA game we were laughing! I cannot believe it, but I am sure Diane was thrilled given how much she loves USC!

Steve said...

We marched back to campus with the band, and they were holding their post-game meeting and there's an old guy who always does it too and he had a radio and earphone, doing play-by-play of the end of the UCLA-USC game. When he said "It's over!" our whole corner cheered loudly enough to disrupt the band meeting!

Next Stop Oregon said...

Was it really the whole corner ... or just Diane?!

Steve said...
