Sunday, December 10, 2006

Hats for Trees!

It's starting to look a lot like Christmas...

There's snow outside.

A big-ol tree inside.

And a hat on top!


Sonnjea said...

I can't believe you have snow! And a tree! It's very cool.

Steve said...

Yesterday morning it was raining, then snowed pretty good for about two hours. Warmed up a little and rained some more melting some of the snow, but the picture was taken after the rain. Today there's still snow on the roadsides and yards, just an inch or so.

It's very, very pretty here when it snows.

Anonymous said...

My computer has been down since Saturday so this is the first time I've seen your snow pictures. So pretty and I really like your fence also. It is looking alot like Christmas!!

Steve said...

Looks like it'll be snowing again this weekend, too!

Next Stop Oregon said...

Why isn't anyone asking the obvious question - why do you have a hat for your tree? Or - where did you find a hat for your tree?

The tree, hat and snow look great!

Steve said...

The hat came from Crate & Barrel. The why is that a few years ago the tree-topper Diane had broke and we needed a new one. Up until this point, as Diane admitted in a recent column, her and kids Christmas traditions were "right" and mine were ignored. So when while looking for a new tree topper I saw the knit hat hat and hollered out "Hats for trees!" in the Walnut Creek Crate & Barrel, she had a moment of weakness and let me buy it.

Next Stop Oregon said...

Maybe you started a whole new trend in Walnut Creek. Most of the shoppers were problably affluent-ish women who want to be sure to keep up with the Jones. If they were confused, they might have mistaken you for a Jones - not a demented Elliott!

Steve said...

No, I'm pretty sure the one lady I know heard me thought I was demented...

Anonymous said...

And she looked at me with pity.

Sonnjea said...

You probably get that a lot.