Thursday, December 07, 2006

Why We're Not Exchanging Gifts

My sisters and I are not exchanging gifts this year, and although they attribute it to the fact that's we've all bought or are repairing houses and at least 2/3s of the group does not have "real" jobs at the moment, I know the true reason.

It looks something like this.

Murphys had a wander-the-streets open house the other night and in a store I normally don't go to I found this figurine. And, if we had been exchanging gifts this year, I would have bought it for Sonnjea.

I know I should have learned my lesson by now. After allowing Dave to draw me into pig wars with Sonnjea and Scott, I was forced to surrender when they sent the world's most hideous hula pig one year. She's also sent me a fancy chickens calendar, so I know not to open barnyard hostilities with a natural. But it's tempting!

And if meditating cow isn't to you're liking, here are some other options:

That last one is Sam-Moo-Ri, by the way.

Anyway, we're not sending gifts this year. I'm sure it's not personal.


Sonnjea said...

OH MY GOD. Who makes such items??

I think it's safe to say we'll have an excuse not to exchange gifts every year for the REST OF OUR LIVES!!!

Anonymous said...

And who would buy such items??

Steve said...

I'm thinking to hell with any prior gift agreements and you're all getting cows for Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I'll take the HOLY COW Jesus Christmas Cow if you don't mind. --NSOD