Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Of Bathrooms and Bolivia

Last week, with no apparent warning, it was time to paint the master bath. It was looking a little raggedy, and I never did like the mirror the previous owners left us.

Diane picked the color - "Hint of Olive" it's called - and I painted the walls and trim. (You can see the old color, the color our bedroom still is, on the right edge of the photo.)

The mirror is new, too. Bought the glass at the Home Depot on Saturday, and I made the frame.

What does any of this have to do with Bolivia? Nothing. But we got word today that Bolivia is where Gina will be going with the Peace Corps. Reports for training in mid-January. Her tour ends in late April 2010.


Sonnjea said...

The bathroom (and mirror, too) look great. Good job. Funny how these things just pop up without warning, like our kitchen.

Hmmm. All I know about Bolivia is what I learned watching Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, so that's probably not helpful. I hope she loves it, though.

Steve said...

She'll watch the movie in training as a cautionary tale, I'm sure...

Sonnjea said...

I guess as long as she's not there for the purpose of robbing banks, her encounters with the Bolivian army should be nil.

I think perhaps I'll watch the movie again, too, just so I can havae a picture in my mind of where she'll be. Of course, it'll have nothing to do with spending a couple hours ogling Robert Redford and Paul Newman when they were young and gorgeous...

Steve said...

The president of Bolivia was just on The Daily Show, and I guess once he figured out that humor was involved, he did OK. Asked that Bolivia not be added to the Axis of Evil, for instance.

They wear cool hats in Bolivia.

Anonymous said...

I made the same connection when the Peace Corps invitaion read "Bolivia." Great movie.

Next Stop Oregon said...

So, I do know slightly more than the rest of you on Bolivia. In sixth grade I had to give a 30-minute report on Bolivia. It was one of those catch-all things ... tell about the geography, political systems, etc. ALL I can remember is that there were two majors lakes called Lake Titicaca and Lake Poopo. Face it, it was 6th grade! I couldn't say them with a straight face and I didn't expect my classmates to miss that opportunity either!

I hope Gina has an amazing experience. Maybe she'll even get to see one or both of those lakes!

Oh, good job on the painting too. Pretty color and mirror! See you tomorrow!