Thursday, September 13, 2007

More Top Gear Madness

For folks who don't get BBC America, Top Gear, the show referenced in my previous post, does have a website,, and on that website has video clips of different show segments. Here's a typical example: Cadillac CTS clip

Also check out the Cool Wall, where you get to decide if a particular car is seriously uncool, uncool, cool or subzero, and pop-up Jeremy tells you if, in his not-so-humble opinion, you're right and why. It's worth putting cars in different places just to see the pop-ups. (His discription of the Jeep Wrangler, for instance, notes that it was made in the Stone Age. By monkeys. Another car he describes as, "ugly and serves no descernable purpose. Like Wales."


Sonnjea said...

I'm unable to open the clip. it appears to be something to do with my computer, so I'll have to ask Mr. Fix-it to make it play nice when he gets home from school.

I'm afraid I'm going to like this show. Any show that's more of a smart-ass than me is okay!

P.S. And now I know how to describe Merced when people ask me where I'm from originally...

Dave V said...

that Cadillac clip was frickin hilarious.