Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Some Say He is Stumped by Clouds....

I have a new favorite TV show. Or am I supposed to call it a program?

It's Top Gear, a BBC import. They test and review new cars (and some very high-end cars indeed...) and do dumb automotive-related stuff. Some lines from recent episodes:

"This is what it'll be like for me in hell: A TR, a racetrack and a pedantic Scotsman..."

"Odious little man."

"I'm on fire..."

To an audience member: "Have you seen your ears?!" (He really did have big Dumbo ears...)

This one is a conversation:

"It's on fire."

"It can't be on fire. (looks) It's on fire."


We get it on BBC America, and if you haven't seen it (and enjoy sharp-witted British humour) check it out!


Sonnjea said...

Hilarious. I'd watch that if we got BBC. I'll check and see if we do.

What's the title mean, though? I'm a little dull-witted today, but I don't get it.

Steve said...

They always introduce their never-seen test driver, The Stig, with some inane comment. This was one of them.