Monday, July 23, 2007

A Spoiler-Free Harry Review

I bought my copy of the last Harry Potter book on Saturday (and not at midnight, thank you very much...) and finished it last night.
I won't talk about the plot at all. I haven't liked all the books in the series (the fifth one in particular) but this one was excellent, a fitting and fine ending to a long saga.


Sonnjea said...

We saw Order of the Phoenix last night, with a young friend who has read all the books (and has a bet with her mother to see if she can read Deathly Hallows in less than 48 hours). We all enjoyed the movie, and I decided to finally break down and read all the books.

I like to do that with a series -- wait until there are several books out -- and then read them back-to-back. I don't like waiting 2 years in between!

Thanks for not spoiling it. Thanks to my news-free-living, I've been able to avoid all the spoilers.

Next Stop Oregon said...

I cannot tell you how many people we've seen around town reading the book! I'm a few behind ... I think the last one I read was #5.

I would like to read the last ones before the ending gets revealed to me.