Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Spanky's the Leader

When we walk in the forest, Spanky, our joyful black lab, always takes the lead. He doesn't get far ahead, and he always waits and keeps an eye out for us.

Back in February, after they found cancer in his nose, I asked everyone to think good thoughts for our boy. Thank you for those good thoughts. They brought us six months of joy and love with Spanks. He got to see (and eat!) lots of snow; he got to swim in several lakes, creeks and ponds; and last Thursday, when Diane got home after a three-day business trip, he greeted her with such unbridled joy and love I just had to laugh.

The cancer's progressed, though, and on Thursday we're taking him to the vet one last time. There has been a lot of tears (and there's more coming) but as I write this I can't be sad. It's his time and I'm so grateful for the months we've had

Spanky's going to go on ahead, like he does. I know he'll be keeping an eye out for us, waiting to show us the trail when we finally catch up.


Sonnjea said...

I'm so, so sorry. We'll keep thinking the good thoughts for all of you.

Anonymous said...

You are all in my thoughts. Just keep thinking about all those wonderful times that you have had with Spanky.

Next Stop Oregon said...

Even though we knew this news would be coming, it still is so sad! We'll be thinking a lot about you guys and remembering Spanky. Hang in there.