Since I own cross coutry skis, I thought I'd use them on our morning walk. The snow was too deep and powdery, though, so it was just like having very long and skinny snow shoes.
As you know, Spanky likes the snow. I'll spare you any more pictures of Spanky eating snow (although if I could have recorded sound last night I'd put up an audio file of him crunching icey snow.) We got home around midnight and just took a quick walk to the corner and he'd run 5 feet ahead, tail wagging madly, then crunch crunch crunch hardened snow off the side of the road. We'd catch up and he'd sprint forward then stop and crucnh crunch crunch again. The. Whole. Way. To. The. Corner. And. Back. Silly dog!
Idgie is more regal in the snow. She likes it, but when Spanky plows through the deep drifts, she's more likely to pick a path of less resistance.
It's so beautiful!
Break a leg, both of you (in the SHOW, not the SNOW).
Be careful breaking your leg Steve ... you don't want to bear too much in your kilt! By the way, since when do you own a kilt ... or wear one for that matter?!
Have a great time ... we'll want details tomorrow!
It sure is a winter wonderland!
Great pictures of the snow and the dogs and you also. Have fun tonight and we want all the details tomorrow.
What a great picture of Spanky running & with ears in flight!!
& the snow looks beautiful.
I guess dogs like to eat snow just as humans like to crunch ice?
We feel a little voyeuristic - Kelly and I have been following the Spanky story. Hope he's doing ok!
Thanks. He is doing OK. He nose bleeds more frequently, but we're not sure if it's because the tumor is growing, or if it's because he's sticking his snout in snowbanks all the time. But, he's still incredibly happy and his appetite is good.
The show went well. When I get a DVD of the numbers, I'll figure out how to load a video clip so you can see Diane tap her troubles away!
What about you in a kilt?! You can put Diane on YouTube. She could be a star!
The kilt deserves it's own post one of these days. Briefly: I've had it three or four years now, and spent way more than I'd admit on it. Had it made in San Francisco. The Elliott tartan is gorgeous -- a rich medium blue field with black and red plaid.
I actaully own two. I bought one at a Celtic Fair on some clearance rack one time, not a full real kilt, but a kilt-like wrap. It was my practice kilt.
There's a celtic Fair coming up with our favorite all time dance band (The Wicked Tinkers) and I'll have Diane take a picture.
And YouTube is my plan for our Annymous Tapper
your dogs are adorable and the snow looks like fun!
You own 2 kilts??!!
Seriously, you own 2 kilts??!!!
I own nary a sombrero for the record.
I did own two kilts. I'm not sure where the practice kilt is, to be honest.
And, as of today, I own a Blackberry 8700. Not the brand new one (too hard to type) but the one I looked at and liked a while back.
"Nary a sombrero" is the funniest thing I've read since... well, since I read that you have 2 kilts! And, btw, why exactly does one have to practice with a kilt?
Sitting, for one. Getting in and out of a car, for another
Well, you have the haircutting thing easier, but girls already know how to sit in skirts. I mean kilts.
Except Britney Spears. She, evidently, could've used some kilt practice.
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