Monday, June 11, 2007

The Power of Three

(Yes, it's a "Charmed" reference, for those of you who don't appreciate the televised supernatural anywhere but Sunnydale...)

Actually, it's an idea; one we've had before but whose time had yet not come. What does everyone think about it now - combining forces once a year for some major home renovation or improvement project and rotating house to house?

We, for instance, want to expand our rear deck, connecting the side deck on the right side of the picture with the hot-tub deck at the left. It's a 325-square-foot expansion, and we could tie into existing deck structure (possibly reinforced) for a decent portion of it. There are specific things about it I don't know, but I know that with Dave, Scott, Sonnjea, Sara, Diane and me working on it, there is no part of this we couldn't do. And probably in three days.

We would obviously put you up, feed you, buy all the beer and have all the materials and supplies ready. And, we'd make the same commitment of time and travel to do projects at your places.

What do people think? Every three years we get a crew and an opportunity to tackle something major on our houses. The other two years we get the opportunity to visit and help our siblings/in-laws. I know we're not the family-reunionist of families, but this could give us a reason to. Scheduling is also an issue, but I think we could deal with it. What do you fine folks think?


Next Stop Oregon said...

I think you may have mentioned this concept before, probably when we were there visiting in Jan. There is certainly something to this plan! Other than the scheduling / time off issues b/c we still work for the man issues, I think it is a great idea! Unfortunately, if you want your deck done soon, we won't be able to help. But, if you could wait a few months, we'd probably be able to swing the time off. And I think that Sonnjea and Scott should take the 3rd year since they already got a family work party out of Xmas!

Steve said...


We're in no hurry, and I didn't think folks would be able to work it into their summer plans this year anyway. (And there's always the little issue of scraping up the $6 or $7K to buy materials, so I'm not sure we're working it into our summer plans, either...) But by next summer? Yeah.

Dave V said...

Then maybe we blow out our crappy patio and put in a paver patio here this year??? And do your deck next year???

Steve said...

Could happen.

Steve said...

OK - NSO folks, I'd say you're up first. July is better than August for us, but we'll be as flexible as our work projects allow. And we are still planning to come up there at the end of September if we can get Ducks tickets.

Anonymous said...

We have our first crack at buying Cal-Oregon tickets on June 29. If they're all sold out, we'll be checking StubHub and such. I like our labor-share plan!

Sonnjea said...

Our plan (Scott's education permitting) was to go to Oregon at the end of August/beginning of September (whenever the heck Labor Day is). July won't work for us.

BUT... maybe this time around since we're new at it and all, we can do it in 2 shifts. This Land can go in July and get a start, and we can go in August and finish? It's not a reunion, but it'd be better than nothing...

Steve said...

Labor Day is the weekend Tennessee plays at Cal - and it's the first field show that Frankie designed.

So maybe split shifts is the way to go...

Sonnjea said...

He's designing shows now? That's great!

Steve said...

Yeah. He's one of 5 on the Stunt Committee, which does just that. He's designing the shows for the Tennessee game, the one they'll do at the Rose Bowl and I think one other. So if we go to the UCLA game again this year (which I hope we do...) you'll get to see a Frankie show!

Next Stop Oregon said...

Dave and talked a bit more last night and July might not work for us either. So, sounds like your deck may get the 1st "official" award. Turns out we are booked for the 1st and last weekends in July. The middle two could work, but I don't think we are ready to tackle the project (even with help!) just yet. We've been so busy so many weekends in a row that committing to another one is a bit too much. Plus, we had mentally moved the project to next year and then our planned Aruba vacation. We can swing the cost, but having a bit more of a cushion also feels better. So, next year in Avery it is! Give us plenty of lead time and we are there! It will be great to see everyone before then and we can just relax! Sorry to back out, but our turn will come up again!

That's cool about Frankie designing shows!

Steve said...

That works too. As for lead time, we propose as early next summer as schedules allow, and you guys work it out and tell us! (Many months from now, obviously...)