Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Is It Too Early to Care Unless You're in Des Moines?

Is it too early to start thinking about Presidential politics? It could be, I know, but I'm starting to lean.

I think Bill Richardson's my guy.

On experience, no one else is close. Congress, ambassador, energy secretary and governor. And as governor of New Mexico, he's gotten stuff done. (And got 40% of the Republican vote in the last election. When asked by the Des Moines Register editorial board about it, he said, "I don't know what they were smoking, but I did get that.")

So he's got a sense of humor, too.

I know it may be Barak's year, and I don't think Hillary will go down without a fight (and a scorched-Earth fight at that...) but I think both will fade.

Bill's the guy.


Sonnjea said...

I think Obama's already starting to fade - I'm just not sure he has the experience to run a national campaign (successfully) this year - although he does seem well-liked on both sides of the aisle. Hillary could well win the democratic nomination, but that might be stupid of the dems because she's so polarizing and so many republicans HATE her. I don't know anything about your guy, but I will learn about him since you said so.

Dave V said...

I've never bothered to learn much about Bill Richardson. But, I definitely will now.