Monday, May 28, 2007

Goodbye, CB750, Goodbye

The CB750 is no more.
Having decided that spending more money on this bike wasn't what I wanted to do (thanks one and all for your advice), I moved it on this morning.
I've got about a half-dozen high-value parts (or hopefully high value parts) that I'll try to sell on ebay or craigslist, but the rest went to the transfer station this morning.
No regrets. It was a very fun project two winters ago when I started it, and if buying a house and moving and money hadn't gotten in the way, I do think I would have finished. I learned a lot, both about the mechanical and monitary sides of motorcycle restoration, and I still know what I want next time.
If nothing else, my land looks a lot bigger and cleaner!


Next Stop Oregon said...

Good luck on getting $$ for the parts you are going to sell! And happy shopping for a new ride!

Sonnjea said...

It's so great you can look at it as money well-spent for what it was and be willing to let it go and move on to what's the right project/thing for NOW. Congrats!

Steve said...

So far, I've gotten $147 for ebay stuff, so it's a start...

Next Stop Oregon said...

Very cool!