Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Random Updates and Room to Breathe

It's a rainy Tuesday monring and for the first time in three weeks or so, I don't have a thing listed in my appointment calendar or on my to-do list.

So today I get to take a deep breath.

Mostly I've been busy with grants. Three major applications, due on three successive Mondays. Got the last one wrapped up Sunday night (I was up and working on it at 5:30 a.m.) and now have to just wait and see if I hit on any of them.

Had a meeting in Davis yesterday with a public/private institute on the Davis campus. They need good out reach and writing, and it could be a nice ongoing partnership.

Have two other projects past the first-draft phase, awaiting client feedback, and a couple of others in the conceptual or out-to-bid phase. Had a nice conversation with my book editor on Friday, and it was all of the things I've heard from other publishers, minus all the "buts." They like it, they get it and they think they can sell it. ("It'll be an easy sell," my editor said.) The contract department is slow and already on holiday time, so it'll be early January before I sign the contract and get the first half of the advance.

I do have chapters on my white board now, including one I'm supposed to finsih by Friday. (My deadline, not the publishers.) So I guess I could consider that an item on my to-do list today.

Nah. Today is a mental health day. I've been repairing/restoring a speedometer I got on the eBay for my BMW, and today may be the day I get to spend a little time on it. Unless, of course, the phone rings.

Oh yeah - the storms hanging out today and tommorow might just make this a white Christmas in This Land. Haven't had snowfall here yet, but it's falling not too far up the hill. I'll post photos if it happens.


Sonnjea said...

Very nice, having a chance to breathe and play a little. I was going to call you back today, but I don't want to be the thing that interrupts the speedometer!

I'm glad your editor is pleasant and optimistic and I'm really glad you have a book deal. That's so cool.

Next Stop Oregon said...

Go you!

I can't believe I have a WMD underneath my Christmas Tree, Al.

Steve said...

It is not a WMD. Yours isn't even a FBAD. It's a MBD...

Sonnjea said...
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Sonnjea said...

Why is your Christmas Tree named Al?

Next Stop Oregon said...

Really, there isn't an explanation. We just thought our first xmas tree needed a name.

What we want to know is what is an MBD?!

Sonnjea said...

Molly Bolts of Destruction?
Moldy Bits of Dirt?
Mighty Big Dog?

Steve said...

Can't say without giving it away. On Christmas, all will become clear...

Next Stop Oregon said...

that's what we're afraid of.