Friday, March 21, 2008

Hold the Pepper, and Stop This Crazy Commute!

News and good news today. The news is we're passing on the Mini. It would have been fun, and maybe will be fun one day, but it's not the right thing right now. So we'll get our deposit back and move on. My truck is still listed in the paper, but the only people calling about it are morons - and since I've been treating them as such, I suspect it won't sell. (Seriously, I have no time for stupid right now.)

The good news is we've hired the new CEO here. The guy is great - exactly the kind of person we were looking for when we started this process, and the only one we called back for a second interview. He'll start March 31. I have one more week left, then a handoff, then back to my life. I bought a pair of real running shoes yesterday to celebrate. I've gotten way out of shape doing this for the past three months, and want to use the next three months to reverse that trend.


Anonymous said...

Great news about the new guy and maybe there is a mini in the future. For now, having Gina's car helps the gas situation. I've been walking 4 miles about 3 times a week - an easy way to get into shape. Take it easy running.

Sonnjea said...

Woo hoo on hiring the new guy and getting back to your life!! My version doesn't compare to yours, but I'm feeling rather celebratory today myself, yesterday being my last day at the office and all. Two more days of dogsitting and then, starting Monday, I get MY life back too!

And no, there will be no running.

Next Stop Oregon said...

Big congrats on hiring the new ED. And good for you to be able to step in and hold the agency together. You've done a great job ... and you life is yours again soon!

It must be a week, or month, of ends. Sonnjea's office gig is done. Dave's last day was yesterday. You've got a week, plus the transition.

And to celebrate, mom is getting a puppy!

Sonnjea said...

Who she threatened to name Pansy.

Seriously, why does she hate her puppy so much?

Steve said...

I like Swiffer, but nobody else seems to. You're right about Pansy - it's OK for a 125 pound pit bull, but not for a little bite-sized dog.

Next Stop Oregon said...

Dave thinks if she names it Pansy, that should be her last name. And Sissy would be the appropriate first name.

Gina said...

ok. you try traveling for a week giving presentations in a different language, being forced to eat crazy gross crap at any moment, sleeping in gross hostels at odd hours, finally getting home then having to peel potatoes for 2 straight hours while hunched on a kiddie stool, then trying to sleep and not being able to because of the screeching sound of a drunk bolivian dj. i guarantee you that you´ll be a bit complainy too!! so there!!

Steve said...

Yes I would. But then again, people wouldn't ask me to be giving presentations in languages other than English, or they'd be VERY SHORT!