Right now, it's the ground beneath the car.
This is the parking area just to the side of our garage, and as you can see, it's packed rock. Or at least it was before Monday when I got out there with a pick and shovel and started taking out the rock layer. Got that finished tonight.
Next step will be taking out about four inches of hard-packed dirt, then building forms, putting the rocks back, laying in reinforcement, then pouring concrete. It's a 20 x 12 space, so it's a fair amount of work.
But, when it's done, it'll be much neater and a much safer place to jack up a car (should that ever be necessary...) than it is now. Maybe a carport will also go over the top - who can say?
You have entirely too much energy!
Probably not the most-fun project ever, but it'll be really nice when you're done. Yea!
Been sitting at a desk entirely too much, so this sorta made sense.
At least that's what I'm still telling myself...
omg... that's a lot of hard work. pick-axes and shovels suck! :)
hope all goes well.
are you gonna have someone else pour the concrete?
Yeah. Steve's gonna sit on the porch with a beer and supervise while AD does all the really hard work.
That's how it always is there, you know. Why do you think Steve "likes a project" so much? He didn't say he likes to DO the project. And notice you don't hear AD claiming to love these projects quite so much...
Hey, if I could pull that off I would, but AD is much to clever.
I'll prep it all then have a ready-mix truck come in. If I can rent the tools (and enlist a helper or two), I'll push around the wet cement and finish it myself. It not, I'll hire that bit out.
About three yards of concrete, I figure.
I agree with Sonnjea, it will be great when it is done ... but, not so much while you are doing it!
But, it certainly does qualify as a project!
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