Thursday, November 08, 2007

Sometimes it's Calm...

That squirrel was even too weird for me, so we'll get back to some pretty dog pictures. Here's a calm moment.

Here's a more typical moment...


Sonnjea said...

Gus's ears have had a growth spurt and now appear too large for his head. It's funny how all the parts don't grow at the same rate. Adorable, though.

Steve said...

Two days ago, Gina said he looked like a weiner dog because his body was too big for his legs. Today he looks like he's got little stilts, and his legs are too long for his body. I won't tell him you think his ears are too big. Give him a complex or something...

Anonymous said...

I'll tell him. Maybe he'll send his mean aunt another rodent part.

Sonnjea said...

Obviously by "mean aunt" you mean NSO, because I said he's adorable. And I didn't say he looked like a weiner or had stilts for legs. So at this point, I'm the nicest relative that poor dog has!

Anonymous said...

You clearly said he has Dumbo ears. I'd try to cover his ears to protect him for your insult, but my hands aren't big enough.