Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Silverware Optional

Not sure that it rises to the level of something that makes anybody laugh, but I'm attempting to eat a carton of boysenberry yogurt with an oatmeal-raisin cookie. (No plastic spoons in Stockton today.) Efficient it's not.

In other news, Gina called from a Costa Rican pay phone today after a week in the jungle and saw monkeys! All is right in the world if Gina and Monkeys occur in the same sentence.


Sonnjea said...

There are no spoons in ALL OF STOCKTON? Shouldn't there be spoons somewhere in a town of 100,000+?

Steve said...

Have you actually ever been to Stockton? Lots of knives. The occassional spork.

No plastic spoons.

Next Stop Oregon said...

Not that eating yogurt with a cookie is bad - but if you have the kind of yogurt with a tinfoil-like covering, you can fasion a scooping device with that. Yes, that is knowledge gained from actual use. When we moved out of our Brooklyn apt. we got down to not having much of anything. Clearly not spoons! Glad Gina is doing well and seeing monkies.

Steve said...

I have done that before when I didn't have a spoon or a cookie. It's not neat!

Next Stop Oregon said...

Sara's never neat.