These are the light bulbs we've replaced with CFLs over the past few weeks. Made the last big switchover today.
The timing is very nice -- tomorrow is our one year anniversary in the house, so beginning tomorrow, we'll have a pretty accurate apples-to-apples comparison of energy usage and PG&E bills.
Today I even made a spreadsheet to analyse usage last year to this year, and month to month. Here's what I know so far: Last year, we used an average of 33.4 kilowatt hours a day and paid an average of $0.21 per kilowatt hour. When I insulated to spa last July, usage dipped significantly. I marked the months I know I changed the spa water, but obviously there were some I missed.
Anyway, we had a few rooms done a few weeks ago, and the early daylight savings time, and our bill in March was about the same as our February bill, even though we drained and filled the spa. So it's a start.